Money has created a special nitch for itself in
human life.It has gone to the extent that man cannot do without
it.Generally described as legal tender,money is the only generally
acceptable medium of exchange for good and services as well as means of
settling debts.Some even described it a dead that enliven.That is
non-living that inject live into dying soul.
There is no gainsaying that everybody on the earth today needs money.90% struggle of man is
directed to money and its relatives,immaterial of amount or
quantity of which man is ready to go extra miles in search of it.Why are
people in desperate search of money?This a general question every man
has different answers to.Some are struggling to have enough money just
to meet up their family requirements,though due to the insatiable nature
of man,after they might have got enough to keep the family going,man
will still be looking for more.While some are
having the intention of oppressing others with it,some are having
the intention of dabbling into politics.Can you go into politics without
Because of the importance of money as an inevitable commodity
to live with and because of different target man is having of getting
the money,man is subjected to two questions,How do i get money?
can i get money?These two questions have been the major pilot that
drives man to different walks of life.Nay, it has resulted in sending man
off his town or even country.
However,weather one leave his town or
country or go in to studying one course or the other or join an
apprehenticeship,does not determine your success of getting money,or how
much you got.Can't we say money is a myth.
However,you can start a successful journey to the wonder land of making cool money;just
Click here
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